

I am Sophie. I met Nevah and her sister Marla at our first indoor training session with Dorchester Cricket Club. Both Nevah and Marla had the sweetest smiles and a positive attitude towards everything they did. I was lucky enough to be paired as Nevah’s batting partner and as the matches went on Nevah and I gained a lasting friendship. I then noticed that Nevah wasn’t coming to training as often. I was soon devastated to learn that Nevah had been diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer, Ewing Sarcoma. All i wanted to do was give her a hug and let her know i’m here for her every step of the way. As Nevah once said ‘going through cancer as a teenager is a very lonely journey’ So i have decided to shave my hair, so she doesn’t feel quite as alone and also raise money to help bring Nevahs dream of having a dog to life. She would also like any money raised to go to the Christie Charity, which is a NHS charity to help diagnose Ewing Sarcoma cancer earlier with a new innovative blood test. Most cancer patients only get diagnosed months down the line, when the cancer is so advanced because it doesn’t show up in routine blood tests! When you read this webpage, it is basically Nevah’s experience - Copious Dr appointments directing Dr’s to think it is growth pains or sports injuries, no evidence of cancer in urine or blood until it has spread and grew at a rapid rate meaning treatment and prognosis becomes challenging. Nevah is brave, courages and regardless of what she is going through she still continues to have a smile on her face. Here is Nevah’s Story: Nevah has always had her roots grounded to Dorset, with her dad being born and bred just outside Dorchester. Nevah then became part of the local community, attending St Mary’s CE Middle School, Puddletown and joining the Dorchester Ladies Cricket Team. At the age of 13, you start to have dreams and visions of your future, as you’re about to navigate through your teenage years. In Jan 2024, Nevah started being hampered with fatigue, pain in her pelvis and subsequent pain in her legs. This didn’t hinder her sporting desires and the pleasures she got from playing cricket, hockey, school cross-country and athletics. Progressively, over the coming months fatigue was impacting on her day to day activities and the pain in her pelvis became visible. After a trip to Dorchester A&E and an overnight stay at The Kingfisher ward, further investigations were carried out. It became very clear when Dorchester hospital were liaising with Southampton Paediatric Oncology unit, we were suspecting the worst. Nevah became very unwell at a rapid rate and a formal diagnosis couldn’t come quick enough. The Southampton histopathology team worked tirelessly to get Nevah’s diagnosis to start immediate treatment. Nevah was diagnosed with Metastatic Ewing Sarcoma on the 25th May 2024. It is a type of bone cancer, originating from her pelvis and surrounding soft tissue and had travelled to her lungs. Fewer than 30 children are diagnosed in the UK per year. As case studies are so low, allocated resources are limited to understand the exact cause of primary bone cancer and curative treatment plans, hence why progression over the past 30 years has been finite. Any donations towards will be really appreciated.

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