So after receiving many messages today I've agreed to set up a Go Fund Me. Last night myself and Jim were featured on the ITN evening news. I was talking about life as an Unpaid Carer. I spend a lot of time fundraising for Trafford Carers Centre. They do amazing work and are there to support Unpaid Carers like me. Life going from 2 full time wages to nothing overnight, well it's hard. There is no wriggle room financially to go for a coffee with a friend, it all has to be planned. The clip of us in the news report is on my fb page. I really am very grateful for all the offers I've had today. So if people really want to help then I need a stairlift for Jim. Some days we just stay up because he can't get up the stairs. The last few weeks with his health have really shown me how essential this is going to be sooner rather than later. Any help towards that would be very gratefully appreciated and I'm humbled by all the love that's been shown us. I'm going to leave it there as his lordship is walking round drilling holes into a cardboard box .... I kid you not!
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