

With a heavy heart I’m here to state my story in hopes that with faith my Lyannah Rose is brought into this world healthy. I am currently 8 months pregnant with my baby girl. At 18 weeks I was informed that Lyannah had a condition called Hydrocephalus where she was developing fluid in the brain and later down the line, we found out she had developed bilateral cystic kidneys which ultimately led to me having to be induced now at 8 months. Lyannah is beginning to gain weight rapidly due to her inflamed kidneys. I wanted to hold out longer to see and be with my baby girl up until her last moments and I still have faith that the lord will help in any way that he can. I wanted to enjoy the most out of my pregnancy as this is my first, but it turns out that she must come out sooner than I wanted. I was not able to provide her with a baby shower as I did not know the odds but I want to be able to raise enough money to help out with costs after she is born regardless of what happens, since the doctors have stated that there is no chance of life but with hope and faith I pray that this money would be used for anything medical towards her birth if she does overcome this barrier and makes it past birth and if not then for a proper burial. Anything would be appreciated, Lyannah and I will forever be grateful. God bless you.

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