

St Julie Billiart and St. Peter parishes, located in North Ridgeville OH, have joined together in forming the “St. Julie & St. Peter Ukrainian Welcome Circle” through Sponsor Circles. Our mission is to welcome and resettle a Ukrainian family of four in the Greater Cleveland area where they will find a strong social and cultural community. Our Welcome Circle is a core group of volunteers, from both inside and outside our two parishes, who are committed to supporting the family in becoming self-sufficient as soon as possible after their arrival in September. The total commitment of the Welcome Circle is for 2 years, but right now we are focused on the intense work to support the first 6 months after arrival, which is a critical time for them to establish their new life in Greater Cleveland and achieve independence. Successful integration of the family into their new neighborhood depends on our success in: Finding, securing and furnishing initial housing Stocking the pantry Assistance in navigating their new community Help in applying for available public benefits Accessing services and support programs and grants with supporting agencies Accessing healthcare services Enrollment in English Language courses Support in securing employment Navigation of public transportation School Enrollment for the children We know that the responsibility of sponsoring a family is both serious and rewarding. We also believe that it is what we are meant to be doing to bring all of us closer together while providing a Ukrainian family the opportunity to begin again. We can't imagine the strength the family will need to leave their home and embark on this life-changing transition. Your contribution will enable us to support this transition.

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