

Visit our websites: Stop Sexual Assault in Schools and SASH Club. There is an epidemic of sexual harassment, assault, and other forms of intimidation on school campuses here in the United States, and it’s harming young students at alarming rates: Each year, half of all students in grades 7-12 report being sexually harassed at school. One in five teen girls reports having been sexually assaulted at school. One in three middle-school girls reports having been forcibly “kissed, hugged, or sexually touched” at school. Over ten percent of students will experience educator or staff abuse during their K-12 school years. LQBTQ, gender nonconforming, students with disabilities, and students of color are disproportionately affected. Researchers have known about these shocking statistics for decades. Unfortunately, since most students are afraid to make a report, and schools often ignore or downplay reports they do receive, the public misconception is that these are isolated incidents. Even if they haven’t told you about it, you likely know students who have been sexually harassed or assaulted. Because of stigma and fears of retaliation, they often suffer in silence. The impact of this trauma extends to family, neighbors, and their communities, especially when it prevents the student from graduating high school. The cost to society is estimated at $272,000 for each student who drops out. Watch these adults describe the toll sexual harassment takes on K-12 students. Hear their frustration with schools who discount, disbelieve, and ultimately fail these students, compromising their education and burdening families. Watch a courageous high school survivor and SSAIS volunteer describe how her school failed her after she reported her sexual assault. What We Do Stop Sexual Assault in Schools (SSAIS) is an all-volunteer organization created in 2015 by parent-educators who experienced first-hand the devastating impact of sexual assault and institutional failure at their daughter’s school. We know too well how these offenses can destroy lives. Our goal is to turn the tide for students nationwide so they can enjoy the educational opportunities they deserve, free from an environment of sexual harassment and assault. Raising awareness nationwide. Our unceasing work has been cited in respected parent publications, education journals, television and radio programs, and in over 200 reports in national and regional media outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, U.S. News, Associated Press, Christian Science Monitor, and CNN. Our #MeTooK12 campaign has had impressive impact and reach on social media and beyond. Creating innovative resources for schools and families. Our website offers factsheets, toolkits, videos, practical information on sexual harassment and assault, legal options, reporting, survivor support, guidance on how to advocate for change in schools and communities, and more, all completely free. Supporting families in crisis. We help families file complaints, extend emotional support, and provide resources and referrals at no cost. Encouraging youth and survivor advocates. We offer students opportunities to turn their negative experiences to positive good, engage in peer education, develop their future careers through internships and community service, and publish articles in national outlets. Promoting systemic change. We advocate for national and local reforms to protect K-12 students from sexual harassment and assault. In addition to backing legislative initiatives to improve school climate and responses, we partner with educational researchers to determine the types of resources schools and students most need to stay safe. None of what we have accomplished or what we envision for our future would be possible without our volunteers and donors like you. Why We Need Your Help If we raise $2500 in the first 30 days of our campaign, our Board Chair will match it. With your support our resources can reach thousands more K-12 families and students who need this vital information. Your donations help us to: Promote SASH Club. Our SASH Club (Students Against Sexual Harassment) peer-education initiative empowers students anywhere to create cultural change in their schools and communities. SASH Club resources are free and include more than a dozen interactive, peer-to-peer presentations on youth-recommended subjects: boundaries and consent, ending victim blaming, rape myths, teen dating violence, date rape drugs, sextortion, the impact of sexual harassment, Title IX, supporting LGBTQ and students with disabilities, among other topics. Help us to publicize SASH Club to students at all of the nation’s 25,000 high schools. Design and produce new videos, fact sheets, and toolkits. Students, parents, schools, and youth-serving organizations benefit from our resources on critical topics. Your donation helps us design, produce, and distribute much-needed resources on subjects such as: educator sexual abuse and what to do about it, creating a safe school climate, best practices for Title IX at school, school partnerships with community-based sexual response centers, supporting LGBTQ students, students of color, and students with disabilities. Build an effective social media presence. Our resources have the power to help many, many more students and families, but first we need to reach them. Help us multiply our impact through social media by enabling us to engage a part-time graphic designer, video editor, and content developer. Learn more about what your donation buys. Your contribution in any amount is much appreciated. _________________ About our work “We’re energized by a new group doing big work—Stop Sexual Assault in Schools.” —National Women’s Law Center “Finding Stop Sexual Assault in Schools website was a blessing for us and our granddaughter, who was a victim of sexual assault, and then victimized again by a school that discounted her need to feel safe. This empowered her to come forward and to climb out of the darkness, to begin again. Thank you, SSAIS, you will never know how much it has meant to our family not to feel alone. Sexual assault and harassment among students in K-12 settings is a nationwide problem; please visit the SSAIS website and open your eyes. The stories and information listed on the website may save someone you love.” —Leslie and Jerry Hawker, Farmersburg, IN “When I found SSAIS, it was like, my gosh, the heavens have opened up. Because it's like, wow, there's actually an organization that their sole goal is to bring awareness to the fact that this a very serious issue in our school districts.” — Kathryn LaLonde, former SSAIS youth advisor Chellie Labonete Mendoza, who inspired the creation of SASH Club, says, “It’s incredible to see my work as a teenager making this kind of impact.” Our trailblazing video "Sexual Harassment: Not in Our School!" “Sexual Harassment: Not in Our School!” is set as a fictionalized first meeting of seven high school students who are forming a gender equality club. Step by step, the students learn from experts why gender discrimination is harmful and what they can do about it. —Jane Adams, Senior Reporter, EdSource This amazing video follows a high school gender equity club learning how to stop sexual harassment and assault by speaking with a wide range of experts. The video is important for all levels of education and is sure to stimulate discussion and preventive action by students, parents, educators, Title IX Coordinators, and supporters of gender equity. — Dr. Sue Klein, Education Equity Director, Feminist Majority Foundation Watch more of our videos on the SSAIS YouTube channel. Research partnerships

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