My name is Jasmine and I’m here to tell the story of my warrior of a stepmother, miss Bonnie LaGambo. Miss Bonnie is one of the strongest people I know. She’s been part of my life for over a decade now and during that time I’ve watched her raise 3 biological kids, foster around 12 of them, plus me and my sister and brother! She feels like she was put on this earth to raise kids and she’s done one heck of a job doing so. She loves playing cards and going out with friend to sing karaoke. She has a very playful and sarcastic personality. Unfortunately, I’ve also had to watch her struggle with breast cancer not once, not twice, but three times now. Every time she got cancer, she took it like a champ. She kicked cancers ass twice now! Determined to watch her beautiful family grow and develop. This time is different though. She now only has a couple months to live now. She gets up everyday though with the determination to see all of her beautiful children and grandchildren live life. She wishes to leave this world as a wife to my father, while seeing as much of the world as she can. I’m asking for everyone to help make her dying wishes come true. She plans on marrying my father Sept 21 so I’m hoping we can raise enough money by then to give her a beautiful wedding and honey moon and give her a chance to fly in a helicopter before she leaves this world. Prayers are also very much so welcomed ! Thank you so incredibly much in advance to those of you helping make her wishes come true!
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