

Update: We have exhausted many avenues in order to receive public assistance. Either the qualifications are not met or the waiting lists are years at least for housing assistance. We need help for Karrie and Ava. I am reaching out to assist a lifelong friend. She is an incredible soul, an amazing parent that always goes above and beyond, and the epitome of the saying, “She will give you the shirt off your back if ever needed.” Unfortunately, she has recently become a newly single mother. Her husband left them in January and was the sole financial provider. He left her and her daughter and his irresponsible activities resulted in her bank account being drained and then garnished. Regardless of how much she has tried to pay her bills these last 6 months from part time jobs. this week, she has had her electricity turned off, her car repossessed, and her phones disconnected. She is currently employed but her income cannot cover expenses and now she has no transportation to go to her jobs. She is a few weeks late on her rent and the landlord insisted that she pay full rent by the end of the week or he is putting the house up for sale. Bully move, I’m sure, but the fear of losing her home is becoming a near reality. What’s more, she is a pet mom of three cats. Her oldest cat is 15 and her other is 14. She is afraid she will have to give them up and let’s be honest, it’s difficult to rehome elderly animals. This is hopefully not a long term concern, but it certainly is a right now problem. If you can, any amount that you can spare will greatly help.

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