

[Please note this is NOT a fundraiser for any of the undersigned; LFEBridge language can be confusing.] This is an appeal for donations to help a veteran journalist, in their 70s, in need of financial and medical assistance. We are a small group of concerned friends of the journalist. We have made arrangements for the funds raised to go directly to help this journalist stay out of homeless shelters and get back on their feet. An anonymous donor, also a friend of this journalist, has agreed to match funds raised through this appeal up to $10,000. So your donation will have double its impact. We are keeping their identity confidential, but are willing to answer questions in private (just email [email redacted] or text +1-646-391-3526). You have our personal guarantee that the money will only be used for helping this journalist. If the amount raised by this appeal exceeds the needs of this person, any excess funds will be donated to a charity to be decided at a later time. All donors will be kept appraised of the situation. Signed: Sree Sreenivasan, New York City Anna Shen, Los Angeles John Laxmi, Atlanta

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