In memory of Abdul who has done soo much to help and inspire soo many throughout his life, not only through the work he has done but also as a Father, husband, brother, son, friend and soo much more. Your donations will insure the good he has done is not short lived and Abdul continues to give to soo many more even in passing. A little about the charity... Abdullah Aid Our Water projects are constructed in needy locations where families often have to travel far for water, or do not have a fresh, clean water supply. Water is essential for us all. Beneficiaries use the water wells, pumps and boreholes for drinking, washing and farming. 1 in 3 people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water. Women and children often walk for miles each day to collect water to drink, denying them the opportunity to go to school, to work and to thrive. Billions of people around the world are suffering from poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene, putting lives at risk every single day. Contaminated water can cause the spread of deadly illnesses, claiming lives and placing financial burdens on families already living in severe poverty. Every year, 3.57 million people die from water related diseases. Most of these people (2.2 million) are children
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