

We are the Villandry Family and we live in East Randolph, VT. As you may know Vermont has received an abnormal amount of rain this Summer and especially in the last week. Monday night our area was hit hard with the storms bringing a lot of rain and severe flash flooding which impacted our property access to the point of being cut off from getting in and out of our home. Our family is safe and the home itself was minimally impacted but what has been impacted severely is the driveway and bridge that led into our property. There are sections completely gone from our driveway and the bridge has completely detached itself from one side as well as the concrete foundation that was swept away with the river. The road on one side of the bridge is completely eroded away and there are parts of the underbelly that we are still unable to see as the water is still much higher than it was prior to the flooding. In order to build back our entrance we will need a lot of help trying to replace and repair the driveway and most importantly the bridge. With this comes a very large cost that is not covered by insurance. And if you have been keeping up with the news Orange County does not have FEMA relief for individual residents but just for towns and municipalities. The project will entail and not be limited to cranes, excavators, concrete workers, materials like steel and wood, trucking, tractors and much more. I have reached out to local governments and representatives to help push the Route 14 corridor that is being overlooked. We are not in a flood zone nor did Irene impact this area anywhere near what it did this week. Normally the stream is roughly 3 feet deep by maybe 15 feet wide. By Tuesday the stream looked like the Mississippi running through fields on either side paving a path for disaster. We are very thankful for our family, friends, and surrounding community who are working around the clock with us to help with the project and find people who can help! We are also very grateful for those who have reached out to check in, get us food, and for those sending their prayers and best wishes. We are Vermont Strong and We will get through this! Brittani, Chris, Colton and Sawyer

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