Peace to the truthtellers, captive materials, and people who love deep, hard, and true. I have a kindred spirit, whose family is in dire need of financial support, after experiencing the final retaliatory attacks by Ludwig and Company, the property management company (headquartered in Illinois) that overseers the apartment complex that Coriner's family has lived in for over 20 years. We have a chance to love on Coriner Boler and her family. For the folks who don’t know. Coriner Boler is a mother of 5 and a resident of Madison Apartment, located in Minneapolis. Her children are honor roll students and she pays her rent on time. For 20 years, she has served as a bridge in her community, notably on housing justice. Among Minneapolis’s Elliot Park residents, she is known as the go-to person for addressing housing insecurity issues. People come to her with their issues. She listens to them, documents their truth, taps into her personal network that she has built over time, and connects people who need support to people who can offer support. In addition to her housing justice advocacy work, Coriner and her five kids host two projects a year that help sustain the energy and connection in the Elliot Park community. From her own pocket and with support from others, she hosts awards ceremonies every year to honor the people we recognize as doing work to advance the well-being of our communities. In the fall and winter, she works with a diverse representation of community partners to organize joy drives. Through joy drives, she connects her network of families to each other. RIGHT NOW, LUDWIG AND COMPANY IS ATTACKING CORINER’S NARRATIVE AND HOUSING SECURITY!!!! Since Ludwig and Company became the property managers of the Madison Apartments in 2016, Coriner’s family has faced innumerable attempts at retaliation from Ludwig. The mismanagement of Ludwig, and their contempt towards the tenant organizers in the Madison Apartments, has led to a host of threats to Coriner’s family's health, well-being and safety. Her economic conditions did not allow her to rehome, so she fights and struggles every day to remain in a place that harms them. Now, they are facing escalated retaliation by Ludwig staff. Ludwig is twisting the narrative and evicting Coriner’s family. Coriner’s family is not safe under Ludwig Management and is seeking support from community to help them relocate into safer housing conditions. They are asking for emergency help for housing, support for storage for our belongings and food. The funds will help them find housing and pay for continued bills. They are deeply saddened that they are on the other side dealing with this as Coriner has supported so many amazing families and renters. The family appreciates you all taking the time to read their story gratitude for your love and support
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