Hi, I'm Gigi, Im a Black queer community organizer and educator. Over the past few years, my apartment has been negligent and abusive to me. I have worked hard to form tenants' unions and fight for better conditions in my apartment complex as a whole and they have begun retaliating against me. This started after I was forced to call the city on them after they NEGELECTED repairs on my unit for OVER A YEAR. This was after the ceiling was literally falling down and mold formed. The fight has been so horrible for my mental and physical health and I need to move immediately as my state offers little to no tenant protections against whistle-blowing or retaliation for actions taken by a tenant. And my car has been towed twice ( by my rental office) and fees keep popping up on my renter's account. I need to move out of this apartment and somewhere safer, but I am told by my apartment that it must be done all at once in order to move. All fees are totalled is about 3500$. I thank you so much for your help and support!!
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