

My Uncle Bennie has a heart of gold and has always helped others in need. Ben is not only generous, but is also a hard-working man who was raised in the country and would never ask for a handout. He now needs our help and won't even ask for it! He is turning 70 in just a few days, still works 40 hours a week, and is now homeless due to no fault of his own. By the grace of God, my uncle was not home at the time of the accident. We are told the driver was very lucky as well and are grateful for this news. Unfortunately, this horrific accident changed his life in a blink of an eye. My uncle lives on our grandparent's land, living in a modest older trailer. He moved there decades earlier to care for my grandparents and his autistic brother. He cared for them until they passed away. His trailer wasn't fancy, but it was his home and he was proud of it and the land he was raised on. He tried his best to maintain a nice home and it showed. That is, until a few days ago. A person was driving on the road parallel to his holler, when he lost control of his vehicle due to unforeseen circumstances, and ran into the front of his trailer. My uncle's home was hit so forcefully that the trailer was knocked off its foundation and the exterior wall was demolished. My uncle is now homeless. He is currently staying in a cheap motel as their insurance isn't offering to pay for a place for him to stay. He has nothing left. Nearly all his belongings were destroyed from the refrigerator to the dishes. He was told not to re-enter the trailer as it is unsafe to do so. I am asking for each of you to look into your hearts and share any amount that you can. I want to show my uncle that there are people out there who care about his well-being. Even as little as a penny would be a blessing to him. And if you pray, please pray for him and ask God to give him the strength to get through this troubled time. God bless all of you!

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