My wife, Kathy, and I have been approved by the US Government's U4U program to sponsor 5 Ukranians (4 adults & a 2-year old child). In the coming weeks they will need to book flights from somewhere in Europe to Atlanta and will be living with us for as long as they need/want. Paying for air fare would put a sizeable dent in their limited savings which they will need when they arrive in the US. This has nothing to do with US contributions to Ukraine's war effort, but specifically helping human beings that are being affected by the invasion of their country. They are leaving behind their homes, possessions, and only culture they've ever known for a safer home. They will need every penny of the limited savings they have to get setup and integrate into society here in the US. As you can imagine, it would be a tremendous relief to us & them if we could raise enough money to cover the expense of making this trip. If we're fortunate enough to reach our goal, any additional funds will be used to help them assimilate and get setup here. We sincerely appreciate any level of support you can provide.
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