

EDIT: We have made the difficult decision to postpone the drag show scheduled for July 29th at UpCountry Brewing in the Brevard Lumberyard. While the outpouring of support has lifted our hearts, what was originally intended to be a fun event to raise funds for a local charity instead became overly politicized, and truthfully has grown beyond our capability to properly staff and operate at this time. To our supporters, trust that we will be putting together another event in the near future with the proper advance planning and resources to adequately handle the crowd and provide for everyone's safety. In the meantime we still need your support. Here is how you can help. Please visit UpCountry Brewing - Brevard on Saturday July 29th from 6-10pm and enjoy a beverage or two. While there will be no drag show this Saturday, we will still be donating 10% of our sales during that time frame to the Transylvania County Rainbow Alliance. Also consider donating directly to this LFEBridge campaign. 100% of proceeds will go directly to the Transylvania County Rainbow Alliance. Thanks once again for the outpouring of support and we are looking forward to meeting everyone on Saturday. Cheers. ******************************************************** At UpCountry Brewing we are constantly brainstorming new promotions and events. We have several ideas for this year. Some will happen, some will be put on the back burner for the future. No biggie. Or so we thought. However, when we created a Facebook event page for a drag show, we were immediately hit with phone calls and Facebook messages that were not only opposed to the idea, but also condemning us to hell. We've been notified of rumors circulating that we are exploiting children by having kids involved in the drag show. (Not true.) We have even been threatened with on-site protests (and devil horns) if we move forward with this event. And recently we had a threat that was serious enough to notify the authorities. So we are taking this opportunity to set the record straight. Yes, we are having a drag show at UpCountry Brewing in the Brevard Lumberyard on the evening of July 29th. (Here is the link to the event.) What was originally meant to just be one more fun event this year, is now becoming something more. We have teamed up with Transylvania County Rainbow Alliance to create the 1st Annual "Don't Hide Your Magic" Drag Show as a fundraiser for their organization. UpCountry will be donating 10% of all sales during the event to their cause. In addition, we are encouraging everyone to donate funds via this LFEBridge. 100% of the funds raised here will be given directly to Transylvania County Rainbow Alliance . To clear up any confusion, we are making the event a strict 18+ event. No children will be allowed onsite 2 hours before the show begins. We will also hire security personnel to protect the safety of all participants and guests. Please understand that while we do not agree with the negative comments concerning this event, we do believe in everyone's right to voice their opinion. We will open comments on the Facebook event page to everyone. Whether you are for or against, we value your feedback. And yes, we will read every comment. No guarantees of a response but we will see them all. We respect your opinion and we believe in your right to voice your opinion, but we will be moving forward with this event. And this fundraiser. Open hearts - open minds. We love you all.

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