

Help support us in obtaining our 6th star together ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Allow me to share our story ❤️ Edward and I have been runners for a few years prior to meeting one another. It was not until late 2024 that we met each other through running with Team Wepa NYC. Some months and miles go by and we became compatible. At this point in time, I had already ran my first marathon with NYC in 2019 and was registered to run three marathons that year in 2024 (York, Chicago - my second major, and NYC again). Edward got FOMO and decided in the last minute to fundraise for NYC marathon that same year. We both had the same goal to complete the six abbot world marathon majors. For those that don’t know, the six majors are NYC, Chicago, Boston, Berlin, London, and Tokyo (to be completed in any order but not easily attained). In 2024, two weeks before the Boston marathon, we were both provided the opportunity to run in which we ran the entire race together from beginning to end (see our finish line photo together in the profile pic). Fun fact: this is also where he dropped the love bomb on me. Later that year we had both got selected for the Berlin marathon through lottery. Edward also ran the Chicago marathon through lottery the following month. This allowed him to catch up to me - so we were both 4/6 stars in. Earlier this year in 2024, Edward decided to fundraise London as this is one of the harder lotteries to get selected for. He encouraged me to fundraise as well so that we can stay on the same track in terms of stars and so I did. Fast forward to today, July 2024. We decided to apply to fundraise for Tokyo which is another difficult lottery to get selected for but also competitive to get into for charities as well. But behold, we BOTH got selected and so I am beyond happy to announce that now we will be completing our 6th and final star TOGETHER this upcoming March 2024 IN TOKYO. It was one thing for me to be able to accomplish this goal, but who else can be able to say that they accomplished such a goal with their partner :) A little about our Tokyo fundraiser: We decided to support “Plan International” which advocates children's rights and equality for girls in more than 75 countries. We will be supporting girls access to education and saying NO to forced early marriage in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to solve various problems that hinder the future of girls. You can support us in helping girls around the world to have the power to live to their fullest. *Tokyo required us to pay the donation upfront which is why I have created a LFEBridge. If you can please support us and contribute - any amount is appreciated, no amount is too small. We truly thank you :)

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