

Hi everyone, as you know, my 16yr old son Tucker had a horrible car accident back in January. He suffered an L1 vertebrae burst fracture severely injuring his spinal cord leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. After spending nearly 3 months in the hospital, and continued physical therapy a couple times a week since being home, he has made significant progress in some motor function returning to his right leg. Anyone who knows us, knows that we hate asking for help, but it's been a real struggle since the accident, physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. I'll be honest, life has never been easy being the sole provider and caregiver as a single parent. Just when I thought we were getting to a point in Tucker's life that he's growing up and taking more responsibility for himself... this horrific accident happens and now caregiver duties as a parent have a whole new look. The entire time he was hospitalized and the following 2-3weeks after his discharge I was out of work to be with Tucker. After we started getting into a decent routine at home with just the 2 of us and no more 24/7 Dr/Nurse help right outside the door, I returned to work as I could. I'm back to work as much as I can be right now but it's still not my regular full-time schedule due to multiple physical therapy and other Dr. appointments every week. I take off 2-3 days every week depending on his appointment scheduling. Fundraising efforts immediately following his accident were very helpful and allowed for the full renovation/remodel of our tiny bathroom to accommodate Tucker in a wheelchair. Home depot graciously donated materials to build a ramp to enter/exit our home. All of this was so great and extremely helpful. Unfortunately, the time I have missed from work and continue to miss is creating an extremely hard and stressful situation for me, being the sole provider for our household. As well as struggling with just regular household bills, eventually we'll need a more accessible and definitely a more reliable vehicle than what I have now, to transport Tucker in a wheelchair. I was blown away at the support given immediately following the accident, I'm reaching out now for help. As much as I hate to, please share to help, if you can. We greatly appreciate everyone who has helped and given support so far! Any funds raised will go towards immediate household needs to try and take some of this stress off. Then eventually start saving towards a wheelchair transport vehicle. Thank you everyone for your support and love so far! It is appreciated more than you will ever know!

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