Hi, this is the Peterson family. One of our kids friend Taylor (that we consider one of our own) moved to Colorado at the age of 20 to start a good job that will help him advance his career. Last week while his dad and family were helping him move, his dads truck and the trailer with all of his belongings were stolen from the hotel they were staying at. The police retrieved the trailer and told them they could get it Monday. When they got to the trailer all of Taylor’s belongings were gone. He’s had to buy new boots and clothes for work. He had furniture and personal items (such as his baby blanket, class ring, state football ring, the paw print of deceased childhood pet and more) in that trailer. All of it gone. Starting a new job and having to pay for living expenses such as groceries, an apartment, and utilities makes it hard to buy new furniture, clothes, and other essentials that were stolen. Anything you can donate would be appreciated.
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