

My dear friend Celia is going through a very difficult time and she needs our support. Earlier in the month she had to take a sudden flight to Australia, her home country, because her mom had collapsed from a ruptured brain aneurysm that caused a hemorrhagic stroke. Since then, her mom has undergone a series of brain surgeries and now has a long time to go before she is back on her feet. Given the situation, Celia will have to be away from work long term to help care and aide her mom's recovery, while also supporting her allying dad who has diabetes. As you can imagine, Celia and her family are taking a huge financial hit, on top of all the emotional stress, having to come up with the money for long-haul flights, hospital related expenses and medications, and to adapt their home to new mobility needs and possibly hire a support worker. Please help me show Celia some love by donating any amount that you can so we can alleviate their burden and make sure she can continue to look after her parents. Here's a little something that Celia shared on Mother's Day: "My mum and dad were separated for over a year, while my mum & me were able to escape the civil war in East Timor. I was only a few months old & my mum had to escape without my dad. My mum & dad were separated for a little over a year before they were able to be together in Lisbon, then later immigrated to Melbourne, Australia. It was the toughest time in my mother’s life as a 24-25 yr old new mum. My mum and dad made huge sacrifices for us to have a better life. They worked extremely hard, lost countless hrs worrying, while remaining caring, yet tough at times but always wanting the best for us. Who I am today is because of you. You made me brave, resilient, loving & witty. I love you so much."

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