We are excited to welcome two recently arrived friends from Nicaragua, Laleyscka Jimenez and Tony Flores, to our New York City community and support them in making the US their home. A group of us (Elam and other teens at the time) connected with Laleyscka nearly ten years ago through a sister-city partnership between the NYC-based organization Dos Pueblos and the Nicaragua-based organization, Arco Iris. These organizations collaboratively built community-based amenities including libraries and water tanks in Tipitapa, a city in the western part of Nicaragua. Soon after, a group of teens from the US joined in several years of a cultural exchange and collaborative building projects with Nicaraguan youth. Laleyscka has kept in touch with several participants and other US volunteers from the trips. A true cultural connection! Fast forward… to 2024: The political and economic conditions in Nicaragua have devolved dramatically in the last four years. Due to the retaliatory persecution, instability, and fear she experienced as a result of her participation in anti-government protests, Laleyscka & Tony made that difficult decision to say good-bye to their home and families at the end of 2024. With the support of the Dos Pueblos network and other individuals, they are successfully here in the US as of May through a new Humanitarian Parole program, the legal route made possible when the Biden Administration added Nicaragua to the list of eligible countries in January 2024. They have already started to successfully establish their lives here in NYC, safe from persecution. Laleyscka plans to finish an accounting degree online, at a university back home- she is one semester away! They have begun their journey in the US, adjusting to life in New York City, taking English classes daily, building community, and searching for jobs – all while staying at the Manhattan home of Tovah Klein and Ken Boockvar and family. And… they have a baby on the way – due August 1st! It would not have been possible to successfully get them to New York City without the support of many friends, family, neighbors, and communities showing up in various ways. They will continue to require our support as they welcome their baby. Your support will help provide Laleyscka and Tony with the tools they need to build a new life in this country. It truly takes a caring, involved village and we are building one. All contributions are deeply appreciated – and go directly to this new family for one of the following purposes (please email about what supplies may be needed): -- Baby supplies – clothes, equipment, formula, etc. -- Child care costs – once both Laleyscka and Tony have work this will be especially important. -- Legal fees – we are consulting a lawyer regarding their asylum applications, and will need to cover fees. -- Housing costs – Laleyscka & Tony aim to a find an apartment to rent for themselves and their child. Support with security deposit, up-front rent, and monthly rent help until they can afford it on their own will be needed. NYC and its surrounds are expensive. Additionally, if you are looking for other ways to contribute, (goods, services, meals, employment opportunities, leads on apartments), or have questions, please contact Elam directly at the bottom of this page. Finally, since Laleyscka and Tony arrived in the US, there are seven other young adults from Nicaragua’s Arco Iris group who have stated their hopes for coming to the United States. We will use funds as needed for others we can help bring to the US on the Humanitarian Program. We are currently arranging sponsors and helping with their applications. Just as Arco Iris welcomed us with open arms when we traveled to their home, we aim to do the same for those who come to our homes and country! Immense gratitude to you all! – Elam, Tovah, Kenny and family, and the entire Dos Pueblos Community
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