Hi, this is Lance Wierenga from G403. At the request of the HOA Transition Committee (TC), I have started this fundraiser for expenses to support a smooth, low-risk transition of the HOA from BLC to the Solaria Owners (Owners). Through their work to date, the TC has identified several risks in taking over the current HOA organization from BLC: 1. The attorneys working on the transition are paid by and represent BLC. 2. Taking over the existing Civil Association that manages the HOA opens the Owners to unknown liabilities both legal and financial. 3. The construction/current state of buildings and infrastructure (water, gas, electrical systems) may hold deferred maintenance or code issues that will be the Owners responsibility. To mitigate risks the TC recommends and is pursuing the following: 1. Hiring an attorney to represent Owners. 2. Starting a new Civil Association (business org) in which to hold and manage the HOA, providing a fresh start and buffer from any legal or financial liability of the old HOA. 3. Hiring a condominium complex inspection company to inspect all the buildings and systems, make recommendations on insufficient systems, code violations, deferred maintenance, etc., and assist in negotiating resolutions with BLC. The estimated cost of all of these steps is estimated at $10,000, with an immediate cost of $3,000 to get steps 1 and 2 started. Your support in this effort will protect all Solaria Owners. Any support you can provide is appreciated.
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