Hi, my name is Jamál William Bookwalter and I am raising funds for Sofía Ulloa's retirement. Sofía lovingly served several Bahâ'í families throughout her career and now is reaching retirement age, however she is in need of a little financial and legal help to begin withdrawing her pension funds. This fundraiser is to raise at least $3000 USD (preferably double that much or more) to empower Sofia to take her final steps toward retiring comfortably in her hometown of Codazzi. Sofía dedicated her life to serving the Servants of Bahá'u'lláh, and for this is deserving of a dignified retirement. Funds raised will be transferred to Sofia's account of choice. Please note that LFEBridge default text unfortunately is centered on the organizer of the fundraiser, but it is Sofia's success that we are focusing on here... Below is a letter from my father Keith to all the families Sofia served and anyone else who might be interested in supporting. To: The Bookwalter, Correa, and Sanchez Families: Keith, Jaque, Jamál, Jayá, and Manuel; Gustavo, Haleh, Vita, and Hamed; Gerda, Karem, and Zaináb From: Keith Re: Sofía Ulloa´s retirement Dear family and friends, I hope and pray that you are all happy and well! I am writing to you for the benefit of our dear Sofía Ulloa. As you may know Sofía is close to retirement and moving to her home in Codazzi. It is my understanding that she has a few, final, financial needs: a couple more months of pension payments, fees for a lawyer to help process her pension, some income until the pension application is approved, and moving and settling in expenses. Sofía served our families lovingly and faithfully for a total of almost forty years in various capacities as nanny, maid, cook, caregiver, and companion. Perhaps it is too much for any one of us to provide the funds that she needs to retire, but, together, we can help. For this reason, I asked Jamál to set up a “for us only” go-fund-me-type account for Sofía. The goal, based on estimates, is COP12.000.000 (approximately US$3,000). Any amount in excess of this figure can be used by Sofía at her discretion. All of us enjoyed the love, friendship, and kind services of Sofía. Those who are now in the next world, no doubt, have Sofía in their prayers. Those of us who are still in this world can both pray for and contribute to her well-being and tranquility. It is in this spirit of love and solidarity that I ask the members of the Bookwalter, Correa, and Sanchez families to donate to this fund. With warmest Bahá’í affection and fond memories of our times together teaching and serving our beloved Faith, Keith
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