

NGNW IS NOW RAISING FUNDS TO SUPPORT THIS BEAUTIFUL SOCIAL PROJECT IN BRAZIL CALLED 'ASAS DO JIU-JITSU'. Asas do Jiu-jitsu is more than just a social project. It is a dream of transforming lives through the art of jiu-jitsu. Located in Sao Jose dos Campos - Brazil, it offers a haven for local kids who live in humble conditions. By providing free jiu-jitsu classes and a safe and loving environment, Asas do Jiu-jitsu gives the kids a chance to fly with their own wings, away from crime and violence. It also connects them with role models who inspire them to pursue their goals and passions. Asas do Jiu-jitsu is a legacy of hope, love, courage and resilience for the community. The funds will be used to provide the kids with food, BJJ equipment and support to participate in competitions.

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