I'm Lyn Richards. Together with my neighbors, I am trying to raise money for one household in our neighborhood. The household is single income, and he lost his job, through no fault of his own. His wife does not work, for health reasons. When he lost his job, they lost health insurance. He also is recovering from back surgery. They have two daughters at home, one of which has been unable to return to school due to a bad case of bullying. They also have an adult stepdaughter who is currently experiencing serious heart issues and is living at home. Yesterday the husband fell from 12 feet. He broke a finger and has an internal injury that required an overnight stay in the hospital. They do not live an extravagant life. He has leads on other jobs. They were fortunate to be able to pay $4,000 for Cobra health coverage. Her car is 20 years old. Hopefully, this is a temporary setback for them. But they are falling farther and farther behind. Hopefully, this fundraiser will help them stay in their home and financially stabilize them until they get back on their feet. Please do what you can!
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