

Hi, we are the 10 residents of AgLago, a community house in the Silverlake neighborhood of Los Angeles. Our home has been providing affordable housing to residents for over 15 years. We host Food Not Bombs, a mutual aid organization that cooks and distributes free healthy meals in Skid Row. In addition, many of our residents are involved with community organizations such as the Bicycle Kitchen and the LA Eco Village. Our house is owned by a large development company called Junction Gateway LLC, a subsidiary of Frost/Chaddock Developers, LLC, since 2008. Frost/Chaddock owns more than 20+ properties including luxury apartment complexes in Los Angeles. During our time living here, we have been respectful tenants and always have been timely with our rent. Our landlord has a history of harrassing us, ignoring repair requests, and bypassing our rent control rights. 31 days after we requested urgent plumbing and roofing repairs, they slapped a demolition notice on our house without addressing the repairs. We received a 60-day notice to vacate shortly after, and were served an unlawful detainer (eviction notice) on 07/24/23. AgLago has been a home, a safe haven, and a place of joy for so many people throughout the years. We refuse to go down without a fight. We are asking our community to help us raise funds for our legal fees as we fight for our rights as tenants.

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