

Raphaels’ Fundraiser. Raphael was diagnosed in December 2024 when he was 8 months old with infant ALL type Leukeamia, had 7 months completely in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy, he had some months at home then relapsed in January...he was prepped with more chemotherapy before his bone marrow transplant in July last year, he relapsed again and then was offered Car-T therapy, there were times he was so poorly and his family were told he had days to live in March this year, but against all odds his body responded well and the Car-T started to work when they thought it wouldn't, then now he's relapsed he's in palative care for the second time but this time there is no more treatment available for him. Raphael and family are spending their days together. Anything we can do to make this time together special for Raphael and his family Ste Wallwork will be doing a sponsored run on august the 10th to raise funds. Fundraising will also take place at Victoria parade on the 12th of august. Please join us to raise as much as possible for Raphael and his family.

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