On the afternoon of July 22, Jo-Lee was involved in a serious and horrific automobile accident. There are no witnesses to the crash, at least none that have come forward. What we do know is it took roughly 20 minutes just to get her out of the vehicle. She was then airlifted to a trauma center. Her injuries are, but not limited to, broken ribs, a fractured hip, fractured knee (possibly dislocated), internal bleeding and a bruised intestine. She does have some other injuries that are concerning, but the medical staff is working through the fractures and organs first. She does have numerous bumps and bruises as well. The accident is a currently under investigation. Since the accident, Jo-Lee has gained consciousness. She is feeling every bit of pain, but she is handling it with the strength we know she has! Jo-Lee is also the first person to give a helping hand where it's needed. She doesn't question why, she just does. She's one of a few anymore with a heart as large and genuine as hers. She loves 110%. She's loyal. She's beautiful on the inside and out! She truly is one of a kind, and if you know these things, consider yourself so lucky and loved! While she works on gaining ability, dealing with the pain, and moving forward, her medical expenses are adding up. As a family and support system, we're looking for love and support to help her though this. She's expressed her concerns for bills and a new car already. That's the last thing we want her to worry about as it takes away from the focus on healing. If you are able to help us, thank you generously from the bottom of our hearts. We also ask that everyone continue their prayers for her recovery. Also, if you don't mind, please share this fundraiser.
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