

Hello my name is Harriet and I am fundraising to get legal advice and a traffic report/modelling so that we can scrutinise the planning application for 200 houses in Cookham, due in early this summer. We are under threat from a number of new developments growing up around us. Each site assesses the traffic impact it will create, but what we need is to look is the very real effect of all of them put together. I have examined traffic figures from an academic that I believe to show the amount of traffic has been vastly underestimated. However, Planning requires an independent traffic report to be valid for evidence. This is crucial in the review of the application for 200 new houses being built in Cookham Rise. There will be a lot more traffic and Cookham only has a one-way bridge for it to cross over, a recipe for tailbacks and possibly gridlock. There will be increases in pollution and traffic using one-way country lanes as drivers avoid traffic crossing the bridge. I have donated £250 to get things rolling. If any money is not spent, I will donate it to a Cookham charity. The traffic assessment would take place in September, when schools return, so it is a true reflection. To ensure I don't take the money for myself, Doug Fawell, formerly of Softcat who lives locally, has kindly agreed to verify monies going in and out of the account. Please give what you can afford and don't mind losing. It is a chance I am willing to take, because this is the biggest thing to happen to Cookham in 50 years and I'm not convinced it is necessary for locals.

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