

Hello, my name is Alexandra Loves and I am seeking support for my pilgrimage back to West Africa. I’m raising funds for my travel expenses, stipends for interviewees, and contributions to my hosts and the community. This fall I am going to return to complete the work that I started back in 2019, with the guidance of my beloved elder, and to continue to learn and deepen my cultural connection. And this time, to document and bring back wisdom to share. I will be documenting the experience and sharing my journey. All contributors will receive special behind-the-scenes footage and early access to interviews with storytellers and culture-bearers. MORE DETAILS: about my journey are in the video and written below. Costs: Plane tickets: $1815 Food and board: $1000 Travel + visas: $800 Stipends for interviewees: $600 Translator and guide for 2 weeks: $1200 Community contributions and support: ceremony, food, supplies: $800 =$6215 LFEBridge fee (3%): $186 =$6400 Total Any remaining funds will go directly to feed the children, as part of the campaign (The Children Will Eat Project ) I have been running since 2019. *UPDATE: A few have asked if they can contribute to me directly or monthly. To donate directly by Venmo or Paypal, please find those links in the text on my recent Facebook post as this platform will not allow me to post direct links to those platforms: CLICK HERE TO SEE POST Monthly Donation with Patreon: For Patreon CLICK HERE ______________________ Details in full: Hello, my name is Alexandra Loves and I am seeking support for my pilgrimage back to West Africa. I am producer and host of the Woke Wisdom Podcast, a community organizer and educator. My core focus is helping women heal. I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, with Creole parents from New Orleans. When I moved to the United States and attended High School, I felt confused and alienated by the way people interacted with me. I later became aware that their behavior was based on projecting a “black girl” stereotype. Over the years, I went through a racial identity crisis, and felt deeply disconnected, like I didn’t belong, and started questioning why am I here. Then there was a turning point -- I was being introduced to indigenous wisdom. Through a series of synchronicities, I met my West African teacher, Yvette Trost, who has supported this life-changing journey. I have been working directly with her Since 2017, learning cultural wisdom and practices from West Africa. In 2019, I worked over 80 hours a week to save up so I could travel to my ancestral homeland of Benin, to begin my traditional rites of passage ceremonies. This process of reconnecting with my ancestral roots has helped ground me into who I really am and find the courage to pursue my true calling. This fall, I am going to return to complete the work that I started, with the guidance of my beloved elder and to continue to learn and deepen my cultural connection. And this time, to document and bring back wisdom to share. I am asking for your support. I’m raising funds for my travel expenses, stipends for interviewees, and contributions to my hosts and the community. I will be documenting the experience and sharing my journey. All contributors will receive special behind-the-scenes footage and early access to interviews with storytellers and culture-bearers. We live in a time where the world seems to be going further into chaos and confusion and people are losing themselves. The power of storytelling helps us awaken to the wisdom and experience that is critical to maintain human connection and I want to amplify the voices of my elders and mentors to reach new audiences, especially the younger generation, who may not have access to this wisdom. It is critical to find healing so future generations can be free and empowered to walk their path and we can return to who we truly are. By sharing my story of being the first in my family to return to West Africa, and reconnect with my cultural lineage and my roots. I want to inspire others, especially women, to do the same. Thank you for your support and for giving life to this work. Many blessings ❤️

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