Hi - I am Heath - Together with Rick P, George, Rick A, Darren and Stuart we are lifelong school friends of Paddy's Dad Dale. With the permission and knowledge of Dale's Mum Kaye and Dale's Brother Scott we are in the process of setting up a trust fund for Paddy's future. News has broken that Paddy has lost his much loved and doting father Dale in a motorcycle accident that Paddy was a pillion passenger on Saturday night 8/7/23 near Ceduna in South Australia. Paddy, fortunately has received only minor injuries and is currently in the care of Kaye and Scott in Adelaide - he will be discharged from the hospital in the coming days. Paddy's dad put many plans in motion upon Paddy's arrival upon the earth and one was Dale's mate's role in Paddy's life should anything happen to him. That is where we become involved in administering the trust fund - to assist Kaye and Scott with Paddy's future needs. Kaye is a pensioner and Scott has a fair mob of his own with a blended family of 7. We via Dale's wishes are here to help them make sure Paddy doesn't have a missed opportunity. Paddy is a mad keen sportsman and an outdoors kid and he must continue to get these opportunities in the future. Dale encouraged Paddy as a young indigenous lad of the importance of his traditional culture and the rights of passage as an indigenous lad with his mob up in Kununurra. This is one of the things that we hope the fund assists with as well as helping pay for all those other expenses that a developing 11 year old lad has and into the future. Paddy has already been forced to make decisions that we as adults don't want to be forced to make. Paddy will remain in the care of his Nan and Uncle for the time being and the larger community of friends that his father has put in place. Kaye and Scott also would like to take this time to thank the Emergency Services that assisted and cared for Dale and Paddy at the scene and the hospital staff in Adelaide. The community groups of Ceduna that have and are organizing fundraising activities for Paddy and Dale's employer Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation for their assistance with Paddy and help provided to Kaye and Scott in Adelaide Thanks for reading and for any assistance provided - It's appreciated Rick P, George, Rick A, Darren, Stuart and myself
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