On the afternoon of Friday, July 21st, our friend Liz and her 2 daughters lost their home of over 11 years. The place that they lived at caught on fire due to a sudden outlet explosion. Luckily they were able to get out immediately and no one was hurt but the roof over their head and all their belongings were completely lost. They were only left with their clothes on their back and whatever they had in their car. We are starting this LFEBridge on her behalf to help raise whatever amount possible to start their new life from the ground up. They need clothes, essentials and hopefully we secure enough to help with a deposit for a new apartment. In advance we thank you so much for your donation, no amount is too small - Anything helps! We ask that you please keep her family in your prayers and may God bless you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Dina & Marisol
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