We cannot thank you all enough! As soon as soon as we have got the marquee for the pub any money that’s left over we will donate to the charities that Dewsbury pride was supporting stonewall &mind so feel free to donate to support those charities too! Your kindness and generosity now means that this homophobic attack has actively raised money for LGBT people! Isn’t that fantastic! The first ever Dewsbury pride was held on the 15th July & was kindly hosted by the Leggers Inn. Some members of the local community took offence to this and started a campaign of harassment to try and force us to cancel the event. Despite threats of legal action and protests the owner of The Leggers Inn stood by us and the LGBTQ community and refused to back down and fold to bullying. The night before the event the venues marquee was slashed to pieces with knives, there is absolutely no doubt in our minds that this was a hate crime. The vandalism has destroyed over £4000 worth of property. Not to mention there is a wedding to be held there a week today & the losses for the venue from future hires. This is where the go fund me comes in. We are trying to raise the money to cover the cost of the marquee and stand up and support the venue in return for the incredible support they have show our community. They stood by us and now it is time for us to return the favour. We thank you all in advance for your kind donations. Love will always triumph over hate ❤️ P.s Any funds raised over the £4000 or over the cost of the marquee which could be slightly more or less will be donated to LGBT charities. ❤️
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