

My Uncle Bryce (Uncle B) was taken by ambulance yesterday afternoon and has suffered from a major stroke. Currently he is in the Critical Intensive Care Unit intubated to help his breathing. He had surgery on his brain to remove a blood clot. He had another procedure done on his heart which showed infection around his heart and another blood clot in his left ventricle. The infection is coming from his internal defibrillator and the doctor says the blood clot is probably what caused the stroke. He has a very long road ahead and of course is still not out of the woods yet. For now they will start an intensive antibiotic therapy. Not sure about the future after he awakens but more than likely some kind of rehab whatever that will be. They will also have to go in and put a new difibrilator in once all his infection clears up (about 6 weeks). He will be out of work with no estimated time on going back as we don’t know the extensive amount of anything much yet. He doordashed and they depended on that a lot for everyday bills, groceries and gas. This will help relieve some of their stress. He has a wife Rissa and son Drake whom love him so much as we all do. We love you Uncle B ♥️

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