Appreciate your contributions for relocation expenses. Financially unable to provide, prayers and shares gladly welcomed ✌️Seeking contributions to purchase and register a vehicle, securing, setting up living arrangements and related expenses. In a relationship and being a dad for the past 15 years, I've been asked and mutually agreed upon separating and relocating. In part this could be due me robbing the cradle, as I'm older than both her parents and being traded-in for someone younger. ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ Through a mutual friend I met Shannon, who was not in a good place at the time. Pregnant without the father, who was in jail and her not having a place to stay, I offered her to stay with me. Pregnant with another man's child, the offer was made without any demands or commitments, but made for necessities. Time went on and a bonding relationship developed, but noncommittal nor serious. Shannon eventually gave birth to Jayla Charlize (named after my middle name Charles) a beautiful girl with ocean blue eyes. Shannon and the father, who was close to being released, wrote each other expressing their excitement of seeing and being together with their baby girl. At the time I was blessed financially and believing in the following creed....... I rented an efficiency for Shannon and Jayla to stay in, while waiting for him to be release. When the day came he was released, I went to pick him up at the Greyhound bus station. Upon meeting him, I asked if he was excited and ready to meet Jayla, to which his response was that he had other plans and was unable to go there. That was the beginning of me becoming Jayla's dad and I've been ever since and always will be. This is an extremely difficult and stressful situation, with the most disturbing issue is not having Jayla in my daily life, not making scratch pancakes or French toast for her, both with brown sugar & Coffee Mate flavors. This has been best year ever with our relationship, as Shannon has been working for the past year, we've bonded so well!! In spite of that, I'm looking forward getting my life back in order. Some relationships don't allow you to focus on what's best for you, which is exactly what I need to do., • Moving from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale in 1959, towing a Chrif-Craft Wooden Cabin Cruiser. My father built the boat and it was named DaRu, after his parents David and Ruth. • His parents had a house built for us while providing financing for starting up a kitchen bathroom vanity company. It was named DavBru, after my brother David and myself. • A product of the only child syndrome (spoiled and irresponsible) it didn't take long for the boat to sink, business going bankrupt and houses being sold due to divorce. • As a handsome, well educated and always well dressed man, you couldn't help but to love my father. Albeit his lust for drinking and physical attraction to beautiful women, "sign of fertility"* disallowed him from being a devoted son, husband and father. * Possible reason for not knowing, having a sister until 65 years old. • The means to an end "UNBALANCED SCALES OF JUSTICE" In the mid 80s my father developed dementia and unable to take care of himself or financial affairs substantiated by a neurologist and several attorneys. • Arrested for DUI, not knowing how to get out, 3 days later an attorney friend of his heard about and got him out. His friend detecting something wrong, made an appointment with a neurologist, who was deposed and stated the following..... DEPOSITION OF ROGER G. SCHNELL, M.D. (IN PART) ..... "the patient was unable to state what day it was, what month or year. He did not know how many states were in the United States. He does not know who is president. He repeated four numbers forward but could not repeat them backwards. He could not multiply three times four, and stated seven from one hundred was seventy. He said three times four was twenty on a second occasion"..... ....."Did you form an opinion concerning his mental condition? Yes. I stated, "In view of this severe mental impairment, this patient is definitely incompetent to handle his own affairs personally or financially." • As a result of the arrest, was serving Community time at a city park where a gold digger city employee caught on to the situation. The next thing you know he's married, executing a will leaving multi-million dollar estate to TFB. • The shameful part of this, spareheading legalities of the issue, my attorney to the point of insistent having my father declared incompetent, leaving him without any rights of his own. Having overwhelming documentation and evidence of his incompetency as well as love and respect, I could not nor think it was necessary. DEPOSITION OF THOMAS DACHELET, ESQUIRS (IN PART) ..... "I had an opinion of David Hendershaw, not only regarding his capacity to take care of his mother, but somewhat of a general opinion of David Hendershaw himself. And I had many discussions with his son, Bruce, my client, regarding this back then. It was always my opinion that David Hendershaw had serious incapacity problems himself. He was unable really to handle his own financial affairs, et cetera, just as he was unable to handle his parents' financial affaira."..... ....."Thais wert beck to the discussion I had with my client, Bruce. I atte ccted to convince him that one of the things he should consider and perhaps do was also to file a petiticn to have his father's capacity determined for several reasons. Net only was his father in charge of his mother's assets, et cetera, and taking care of his mother, his father was also involved with the grandfather's estate and the grandfather's trust, et cetera. And we felt that there were mismanaced problers there."..... ....."The problem was Bruce never wanted at that time to put that stigma on his father. Ee just did not want to do it. It was bad enough that he was forced by the situations of the grandmother to file this incapacity and to try to step between his father and the gran@mcther in order to protect the grandmother. He did nct want to put the stigma on his father of incapacity himself."..... After my father's demise the will was contested and outcome follows..... IN THE CIRCUIT CQ NINETEENTH JUDICI IN AND FOR 8T. LIL STATE OF FLORIDA, CASE NO.s 97-385. BRUCE HENDERSHAW, DAVID HENDERSHAW, and DERECK HENDERSHAW, . Ci Appellants, vs. IN RE: THE ESTATE. OF, DAVID HENDERSHAW, . ‘an "Deceased. . / TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS VOLUME IIT Volume III Page 379........ "In essence, the decedent Mr. Hendershaw lived off of the estate and didn’t work. And. because one or two of his sons was concerned about the way the decedent was handling the grandmother’s guardianship, the decedent became aggravated with all three sons supposedly, and "cut them out of the will." "And now a family fortune, that the decedent had nothing to do with creating or even augmenting, is now going outside the bloodline." "This is the type case that quite frankly makes being a judge unpleasant. So, with great reluctance I am denying the petition to deny admission of the will to probate. And I am admitting the will to probate." The outcome of this case clearly justifies the meaning of "Unbalanced Scales of Justice." The party having the most resources to engage the best attorneys, who have relationships with the judges that cause impartiality, usually prevails, as was in this case. Could feel the rails, breaking under my feet, bringing life-altering, all-consuming grief realizing a stranger in essence, stole the estate of three generations. Consumed with guilt for making a wrong decision not having my father declared incompetent, preventing any of this taking place. As mentioned earlier, blessed financially, having a pension from a 12-year career at Bank of America and a moderate stock portfolio, the years passed by, year after year. After the passing years, turned into over a decade, the IRS not so friendly reminded me I failed to file and pay income taxes. Multiple notices of garnishments and liens were being received and before too long "The Lord Taketh Away What He Giveth." causing my...... That's the reason finding myself in this embarrassing, shameful position of having to ask for help "Getting Back On Track." Albeit, I can honestly say having more than I ever needed at one time, to having not much of anything today, I'm still thankful. I have always observed the unfortunate individuals in poverty and expressed gratitude for my blessings. Thank you for your time reading and understanding the need for your support. If you are not able to provide financial support, I would appreciate prayers and shares, (sharing with family and friends). ✌️
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