

We are raising funds to help cover medical expenses for my beloved mother-in-law Elvia who suffered a terrible accident Saturday night. Nydia's mom has been visiting Nydia's brother in Cancun. They were staying a few days at a friend's beach house and last night Nydia's mom - Elvia had a terrible accident. She fell approximately 9 feet high from a retaining wall of a house on the beach. She has a multi-fragmented femur fracture in the part where it joins the hip. And also a fracture in her left cheekbone. They will be operating on her Monday around 3pm My mother-in-law was moved by ambulance to a private hospital in Cancun, which has elevated the costs of her medical care. The system of social medicine isn't the best there, which is why she was admitted to private care. Quiero pedir sus oraciones por mi querida suegra - Elvia. Se cayó de aproximadamente 3 mts de altura de la barda de una casa en la playa. Tiene fractura multi fragmentada de fémur en la parte donde se une con la cadera. Y también fractura en su pómulo izquierdo. Le van a poner una placa y clavos en la fractura de la pierna y cadera y en cara placas. Le programaron operación el lunes a las 3:00 pm hora de Cancún. Tambien estamos levantando fondos, porque los costos estan elevados por estar en un hospital privado.

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