Max Krohn, a rising sophomore at Blessed Trinity High School, experienced a traumatic accident on July 19, 2024 that resulted in a broken wrist and rib, as well as trauma to his brain. The extent of his brain injury and the upcoming medical procedures and rehabilitation are still unknown. Max is a vibrant and strong 16 year old young man who shines on both the lacrosse and football fields. His competitive spirit to succeed in life will undoubtedly drive Max toward his health, but the road will be very long. The family hopes to transport Max to the Shepherd Center in Atlanta when he is stable. We are hopeful and confident for a full recovery; however, Traumatic Brain Injury progression can take up to two years of intense rehabilitation and therapy and the medical bills may be extensive. The Krohn family is grateful for your kindness and support as Max begins his recovery journey. Any contribution to assist with his quality care is greatly appreciated. The family will receive 100% of all donated funds. Thank you for supporting the Krohns during this unimaginable time, and for lifting Max in prayer.
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