I'm running the Long Beach marathon on October 15th to fundraise for the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank, which says donating just $25 is equivalent to providing up to 100 meals. Last fall, I trained for a half marathon around USC's campus. As I trained, I noticed just how many people living in the same area as me were on the streets, and realized what a privilege it was to have the ability to run and go back to my house, where I could eat a big meal and shower. When I decided to train for this year's Long Beach Marathon, I knew I would once again be training around my campus, but this time I wanted to give back. I recently read that 1/4 of residents in Los Angeles go hungry, so I decided the best way to give back to my community would be to raise money for the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank. The mission of the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is to fight hunger in the community. Since 1973, the Food Bank has distributed more than 1.1 billion pounds of food. They serve more than 300,000 people every month. The vision statement of the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is that no one goes hungry in Los Angeles County, and they say that a donation of just $25 is equivalent to providing 100 meals! Please join me in supporting this organization, as I prepare to run 26.1 miles for meals. The fundraiser will be open until I complete the race!
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