Eight years ago, the unthinkable happened. Due to a lack of legal representation, my ex got primary custody of my 6 children. When he filed for a modification requesting primary custody, I did not have money for an attorney, and naively thought I could just go in front of the judge and tell the truth and everything would be ok. Boy, was I wrong. He DID have an attorney and WAS an attorney, and I learned that the justice system is very complicated and having an attorney is definitely necessary. I have missed out on so much over these past 8 years, but I am now trying to get at least 50/50 custody of the 3 children who are still under 18. At this point, I’ve exhausted all financial resources- any savings I had is gone and credit cards are maxed out. Thousands of dollars spent just to get equal time with my children. My attorney has been great and we are close to the final hearing, but I need to replenish her retainer to continue moving forward. Any amount is greatly appreciated and I promise to pay it forward when I’m on the other side of this.
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