THANK YOU so much for coming here to support my legal defense against the malicious suit by the racist B'nai Brith organization. I now have all the funds I need for the legal defense. PLEASE DON'T DONATE HERE -- instead, please donate to my other GFM campaign which is providing critically needed support to absolutely desperate families in Gaza. You can find it by going to which is my other campaign in my GFM account. Thank you so very much! We all must do everything we can to save lives and relieve suffering in the short term and to overcome the Zionist project in the long term and turn it into a space of equality, freedom and justice for everyone from the River to the Sea. Read below my original message about the legal defense fund: I am being sued by B'nai Brith Canada, one of the worst bad faith actors targeting honest people who speak truth about Israel and Palestine in an attempt to silence us. When I learned that BB was suing me for speaking the truth, my first reaction was anger. I didn't want to waste my time, energy and money defending against a malicious suit that has no chance of actually winning in the courts but still needs to be defended against. I didn't want waste anyone else's time, energy and money either. B'nai Brith is suing me not because they expect to win in court. They won't. They know it. Their lawyers have already asked my lawyers to settle and avoid a trial. Their main reason for suing me is so that they can boast to their supporters that they are doing something. Their modus operandi is to manufacture supposed threats to Jewish people's safety and then create scenarios in which they save us. They put out press releases and make big announcements about how they're defending human rights and stopping attacks on Jewish people in Canada and elsewhere. That gets in the news and drives support to their organization. They're using me as a prop for that. Second, their suing me requires that I respond. Otherwise they will win a default judgement which will cost me $35,000 plus court costs, etc. Also, if I don’t fight it, they will boast about an victory over one of the nefarious enemies of the Jews – me! So, I now have to spend my time, energy and money on this bogus law suit instead of the far more critically important things that I do. This is targeted harassment. They regularly target people to distract us from what we do. So, at first, I was angry. I quickly converted that anger into a will to win. First thought: "Let them tell it to the judge". Sure, let's see that headline: "B'nai Brith sues retired rabbi for defamation". This suit is an opportunity to defeat B'nai Brith in both the court of law and the court of public opinion. My goal is not to only to win this spurious law suit but to end B'nai Brith's reputation as a credible organization. Every well-meaning politician in Canada needs to learn not to listen to B'nai Brith. Every media outlet needs to know that B'nai Brith is an extremist organization with no more credibility than the AtomWaffen, Proud Boys or truckers who tormented people in Ottawa. They lie all the time and they don't care that they do. I am very grateful to have the legal support of Champ & Associates, a seasoned, respected law firm in Ottawa. They have agreed to cap their fee at $15,000. Before I found Champ & Associates, I spoke with about half a dozen very supportive law firms. None of them had capacity to take the case pro bono. All said they could prevail in the courts but it would cost in the range of $100,000 or more. I could not condone spending that much money just to win a case against B’nai Brith. With so very, very many critical needs for our collective resources, I thought it unconscionable to spend that much to simply beat back B’nai Brith. I was ready to settle. When Paul Champ and his associate Bijon Roy told me they’d cap their fee at $15,000, I decided to go ahead. We need to smash B’nai Brith’s credibility and demolish their ability to bully people as they do. So, with that intention, I welcome your support for this legal defense. If you have questions, please write to me at [email redacted].
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