

Hi everyone, with a heavy heart I am making this go fund me for my daughter Kirsten Spring. On the 4th of July, she took her dog out on a walk and got stabbed by a known female (we are working with police now). Kirsten was stabbed twice in the abdomen damaging her colon, kidney and bladder, as well as having her appendix removed. She also has lacerations to her face. She just finished her 4th surgery and has at least one more to come in the following months. My daughter has worked so hard. She is a full time student at the College of Saint Rose, hoping to become a doctor herself. She works three different jobs to keep herself and her pets happy. Between hospital bills, school loans and normal everyday expenses. Not being able to work for this extended period of time. Has just brought our family to its end. Where we are asking for any help taking care of Kirsten, while this world took that away from her right now anything would be helpful and greatly appreciated 

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