

My name is Tracy and I'm asking for a little help for my daughter and her husband ....they were in a serious accident Saturday the 22nd of July on 460 on their way to have breakfast with me and off to the museum for the day when someone pulled out in front of them .....they have 4 daughters all of whom were with them ....Amber and 3 of the girls were mediflighted while Kenneth the other girl were rushed by ambulance .....Kenneth is the sole provider for the family and has a fractured knee multiple breaks and fractures in his right hand and lacerations on the other hand needless to say he hasn't been able to work of the girls (8yrs) suffered a broken collar bone and lots of bruises (7yrs) had an injury on over 50% of her liver causing some internal bleeding and lots of of them (3 yrs) has some burn marks on her neck from her seat harness and bruises and the baby (4 months) still has some bruises ......we are ever so blessed to still have them with us I'm only asking for help to cover a cpl weeks of lost wages for them ....they still have so many appts and co-pays on this road to recovery Thank you so much for your time and prayers l

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