

Update…Thank you so much we reached our goal so I thought maybe we could bless the family with a little bit more…Hi my name is Grammie and yesterday this beautiful family lost everything in a house fire to include Luna the momma cat and her beautiful 3 six week old kittens. I am trying to raise just enough money so that I can get their special keepsakes cleaned like their baby blankets and stuffies. Due to the carcinogens from the fire they must be cleaned a certain way and that cost money! Being a young family they didn’t carry rental insurance. Alisha is currently in her second trimester and Sutton, our beloved first Grandson is due in September. They had just finished setting the nursery up the night before in a beautiful Harry Potter themed style and it is all gone, everything that was purchased on their registry is gone, everything, stroller, changing table, everything! Then my granddaughter’s lost all of their belongings too! I just don’t know. I guess we will start with the little things and that is what I am asking for. Thank you for listening and every penny will help my son and his beautiful family

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