Hello, my name is Lelanie. My sweetheart of 28 years is now confined to living in a nursing home. I am unable to afford the rent on our shared apartment as my only income is from Social Security. I have not found any housing that I can afford. My two senior cats and I need to move by the end of July. I am scheduled for a lumbar laminectomy with fusion on August 4th. I am in a great deal of pain and need to clear out the house. I will need to hire help and rent a dumpster and a storage unit. I am in dire need of immediate financial assistance. I have contacted the housing authority and they are unable to help me. I have a hospital liaison and she also has been unable to find any housing options for me. My family can't offer me any financial assistance. My children have one bedroom apartments and I am not on their lease. I am in quite a pickle! Please help me to dig myself out of this hole. I humbly ask for your assistance. Lelanie
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