

Asalaamualykum brothers and sisters. Through the permission of the recipients of these donations, I Sayed Muslim am starting this LFEBridge page for a Muslim-Somali and Ethiopian family of 5 who were unfortunately victims of a tragic fire in their family home of decades. Alhamdulillah through the mercy of Allah SWT the family escaped without any major physical injuries but all their personal belongings inside were burnt and destroyed. Any help would be appreciated and all proceedings will be going to our sister and the beneficiary Shukri Mohamed and her family members. The money might not help ease the trauma and pain but it will help the family get back on their feet and replace all the household items (furniture, clothes, phones, jewellery, appliances, kitchen supplies, etc) that were destroyed due to the fire. I strongly encourage you all to donate whatever you can and In Sha Allah help aid this family in a time of need. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity” (Al-Trimidhi). May Allah SWT reward you guys for your effort.

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