Hi, I can not give much in the sense of who I am or my children for safety concerns, but instead I can tell you my situation. I am a devoted and loyal mother, wife, and worker. I've been married to my foreign husband for 6 1/2 years, fighting for his visa for the past 3 years, and moving back and forth from the US to his home country. I have sacrificed everything for my husband over the years and fought so hard to not fail at having a full family for our 2 children like I did for my first son. However, that has very much changed and the cheating, and aggressive behaviour is getting worse. I have dealt with emotional and mental abuse and now it's turning physical as well. We are currently living in his home country and more and more narcissistic qualities come out in my husband every day now especially because he is physically cheating on me and possibly trying to live a double life. Out here in his country you do not need a citizenship for a husband to hold his foreign wife and kids hostage. He also can pay to have birth certificates forged for my kids trying to say they were born in his country but they clearly were not. I was not aware of these horrible things until much later in our marriage. It is like a ticking time bomb and any day he snaps all he has to do is make a call and put us on a no fly list and we will never be able to get back home to the US till the day he says otherwise. I would never be able to see my oldest son or my family again if he does this, not to mention we will be stuck in this emotional and mental abuse hell. Recently my husband has been putting us in very bad financial situations. Refused to help me with our kids and get them into daycare so I can work. Now I have lost my job. He has been short by A LOT when rent is due and cant keep his stories straight on where the money is going. I can not confront him about it in fear of what he could do. Now our electricity has cut off because he has failed to pay it puting our kids in a poor situation especially with the heat here reaching 104°F during the day and staying at about 98°F at night. I have nowhere to turn out here and they do not have organisations or places to go for help. Plus if I tried to turn to anyone here they will most likely tell him. They stick up for eachother out here and are thicker than thieves. I want to get out before things get worse and he bans us from ever coming home. I want my kids to live a better life and have their freedom and peace back as well. This money will help us get home the the US to my oldest son and be safe from this nightmare we are living here. This money can also help us get essentials as we will need to leave everything behind and leave quietly and quickly. Please help us get home to our freedom and safety.
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