

We need your help! In honor of our upcoming Camino, Georgette David and I have decided to support three amazing charities in Santiago de Compostela. Nope, not Georgette in the middle photo! If you remember, Eleanor Bird (yes, in the middle photo) and I initiated this successful fundraiser last year and we hit our goal with your support!! So, Round 2!! We hope you will share not only in our journey throughout Spain, but also in our desire to give back. Our goal is $2250, giving each non-profit $750. The first is Egeria House, a food pantry in Santiago that helps impoverished neighbors with food insecurity. The second is the APACA of Galicia, providing help for all abandoned animals (the organizer is pictured on the right). The third is the Cocina Economica de Santiago giving hot meals to those in need. If you would like to contribute, you can donate here. Thank you, everyone, for making a difference with us!

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