Someone near and dear to many hearts is in need of help. This is a strong mother of three beautiful and equally strong daughters. They have all been through a lot in their lives. Things seemed to be going in a positive direction until recently when trust was broken, and this mom was immediately fighting for her children's safety. All were holding on strong to that light at the end of the tunnel. Then, recently, another curve ball was thrown at them. That curve ball has now just set off a domino effect of issues and has this family feeling stuck in a never ending spiral of challenges. I personally know them. They come from good people and a great family. Where family is and has been doing all that they can, I am asking for more help on their behalf. Every little bit helps them get closer to standing on their feet again. I am posting her story below. You will see, they have a long road of healing still ahead of them and I know none of them are thinking of things like the upcoming school year and needing supplies, only one parent with no car, what happens if one of the girls gets sick at school? How do they get home? How do they get to a doctor's appointment? I know this mom may not be thinking of those things because as you read you will find, she has a lot of other things on her mind that are more pressing. Her oldest daughter lives on her own with her own family but this still is weighing heavy for her too. We would like to try and help this mom get back on her feet and also find a reliable vehicle so she can focus more on the upcoming battles and help her daughters heal as well as heal herself. This is their story. My name is Stacey Adams. I just recently found out that the man I’ve been living with for 8 years, has been sexually assaulting my 14 year old daughter. (he is currently in jail awaiting trial). Not only did he assault my child, he has also been stealing money from us and drained our savings. He lied about handling the bills which left us 2 months behind on everything. I currently work as a server and have been able to make it work. Until last night. On the way home from work my other daughter and I were in an auto accident. Thank the good Lord everyone was okay. Sadly, my vehicle was totaled. This is how we discovered that I was once again lied to by this man. He did not name me on the insurance policy. We have been left with absolutely nothing. I have never done anything like this before, so I don’t know how to go about asking for help. I’m currently without a vehicle and have 2 children still living at home. I’m trying to raise money to get a used vehicle that can get me to and from work. Anything would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.
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