Dr. Jacqueline Abernathy is one of the best women I know. Her family has recently fallen on several hard times all at once and needs funds to help them afford rent and other expenses. I'll let her speak in her own words: "PRAY FOR THE ABERNATHYS. Everyone is physically/mentally fine and that's what's most important but there was fraud on our bank account and they are not giving us that money back. We are wiped out (savings and all) after paying rent and hoping that something comes through for moving costs, August rent and deposit in Dallas since Jacob doesn't get paid until mid-August. We burnt through our pensions and maxed out our credit cards to move here when Beth was sick. My last consulting client in DC still owes me $16,000 from January and we're having to go to court for that. No idea when we'll see it. Things are rough. We're also learning more and more how much the homeless guy that we let live with us stole while we weren't paying attention. We tried to sell a generator we never opened and apparently he opened it and replaced it with rocks. My godsister Mary Hale has a real estate staging company with all the furniture we could possibly need so we are liquidating everything not sentimental to raise moving money for personal items, deposits and August rent. It's just really hard trying to sell things off and pack up when we've got two little kids around here and no family to watch them. This is a very sanctifying time. Summers are always the time when God refines me through trials and the harder the struggle, the greater the reward in the next season. We will be fine. God never forsakes us. We could definitely use your prayers though that all of my work trying to nail down new clients and gather the resources to move happens when we need it." It's important to pray for others, but perhaps more important to answer their prayers. Dr. Abernathy has also told me that she has been denied unemployment on a technicality, that her power is at risk of being shut off in the middle of the Texan summer, and that her bank has been eating funds raised over Venmo. She has had to move multiple times due to her sister's long-term illness and eventual death, with all the trouble - financial and otherwise - that comes with that. Let's be good neighbors and stand in solidarity with her and with all who need help.
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