My close friend Tarun (He/Him) has been threatened with deportation from Canada after 5 years living there. Returning home to India would not be safe for Tarun, and he has built a community in Ontario, Canada, where he lives with his dog Tyson.“I can’t return to a family that is only okay with me being gay as long as I don’t tell anyone, I can’t tell my father, no one can ever find out that I am gay. I came here so I can live my life the way a human being should meeting his basic needs met, a roof over his head, bills paid, food on the table and be able to walk on the streets without being judged or in danger of physical harm. My family doesn’t understand what happens to gay people in india because they haven’t uttered the word “gay” since I came out to my mother in 2024. In Canada I found freedom to wear what I want and express myself the way I want to and I can’t go back in hiding.” -Tarun Tarun has LESS THAN A MONTH so raise fund for legal support so he can fight his case. Please donate what you can and share!
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