

Who wants some really great news for once? Melvin is getting out of the nursing home, and into his very own accessible apartment through Voices for Independent Living! He gets the keys August 1! The apartment comes with basic furnishings from Voices for Independent Living. I'm raising funds to hire movers to pack up and move his belongings from his family home in Shadyside, which is no longer accessible to him in a power wheelchair, and part of the reason he's had to spend so long in the nursing home. He also has requested funds for a new laptop, digital storage, and a negative scanner to start the lengthy task of digitizing his archive of film photography. Additionally, there will be an amazon wishlist of stuff he wants for the apartment, coming soon. There are going to be many hidden costs of independent living, and I'm hoping to be able to offset as many of those as I can to make this a smooth transition for him. I plan on traveling out to Pittsburgh in August to get estimates for movers and to figure out the next steps for everything. I put an initial goal of $5000 because frankly I have no idea how much all of this is going to cost, and anything over what he needs for the move will go towards a super special art project he's already scheming about. Full disclosure: Cian Ballentine is handling the funds for Melvin in order to not jeopardize his disability. They intend to keep a record of all payments that come in on all platforms, and handle all the large transactions through their accounts. If you would like to send funds directly without any fees, send friends and family payments through PayPal cianballentineATgmailDOTcom, Venmo @cianballentine or cashapp $cianballentine, and make sure to put Melvin in the subject line. Thank you all so much! Cian and Melvin

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